Netflix users call ‘bull***’ after this stunt

They thought we wouldn’t notice… Netflix began testing video promotions this week. Netflix commercials mark a binge-watchers worst nightmare, and many subscribers threatened to cancel the service altogether. But relax, people – they can be skipped.


If you can find your remote… you can use it to skip the commercial. However, all Netflix wants to do is give you new ideas for the next show to watch. So they aren’t selling you anything, per se, and hey, maybe you will see something you like. This way you can avoid sifting through the endless garbage Netflix has to offer only to switch back to ‘The Office’ when you don’t find anything suitable.


False alarm… a spokesperson said that Netflix tries many different things throughout the year (most of which don’t stick). But overall, the streaming giant wants to get you watching more and surfing less. If you are one of 130 million strong – what was your reaction? Hopefully, you left your subscription, television, and living room in-tact after hearing the news.