Papa John’s not-so-subtle message to former founder

Papa John’s not-so-subtle message to former founder

It’s not even a hint… Papa John’s wants John Schnatter to just go away – far away. The pizza giant has removed its former founder from their pizza boxes and even kicked him out of his office. Oh, and they basically asked him to stop talking about Papa John’s entirely…or to the media, at least.

It’s over… for Schnatter and the company terminated his “Founder Agreement” which officially puts an end to literally the only guy you picture when you think ‘Papa Johns.’ However, Schnatter still owns a near 30% stake in the company and remains on the board.

Back to the drawing board… for Papa John’s as they try to regain customer trust. The fact is, consumers are becoming more aware of social issues and are more willing to shun their favorite brands over PR disasters such as this one. To fix this, the company is having execs visit local shops to hold “listening sessions” with employees and are also making efforts to gauge the company’s diversity efforts.

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