Some alternative stocks to sink your ‘FAANGs’ into

FAANG stocks are all good bets… and they include Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google, in case you didn’t know. And although these stocks have been getting hammered lately, they will probably be okay in the long run. However, there is life outside of FAANG people…including small and mid-cap stocks which include promising future technologies like artificial intelligence and self-driving cars.


Also, if you can stomach crypto… maybe you should consider buying now while the price is far below its $20,000 glory days. Blockchain technology could have an impact on business for many years to come. Although cryptocurrency may be going through a rough patch, you can’t introduce a new currency and expect a seamless transition.


Think about Tesla… because Elon Musk doesn’t seem to be joking about taking his company private. Moreover, the $420 per share price tag seems like a good deal for whoever will ultimately provide the funding. Just a few ideas to get you out of the FAANG bandwagon.