What can the ‘mini-submarine’ do for you?

It could have helped in Thailand… according to Elon Musk who suggested that his submarine could have rescued the trapped Thai boys. However, at least one Thai official believed the mini-submarine would have been impractical for saving the boys.
Thankfully, it wasn’t necessary… because divers were able to rescue the boys and bring them back safely. But Musk is sure that his contraption could have journeyed through the cave, and he is willing to demonstrate this at any time. It also would have been a perfect size as the mini-sub can hold one child or small adult…and possibly a talented [full-size adult] contortionist.
It is also useful for… other rescue missions, including “vulnerable patients” in toxic environments. Musk has even pondered deploying his submarine underwater again or in space. Who else but Elon Musk…